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Topics & Conversations


"Culturally Responsive Engagement"

How can you foster meaningful engage across cultural differences? When we work with people that have a different lived experience than we do, many times we employ the Golden Rule - we treat them, like we want to be treated. What if, instead we treated them the way, to the best of our ability, we believe they want to be treated? Culturally-responsive engagement is all about learning to approach differences in a way that honors them and helps drive authentic connections. 

Equity & Inclusion

"Courageous Conversations"

Have you ever kept silence because you're afraid to say the wrong thing? Talking about racial equity can feel uncomfortable. Learn how to have healthy "Courageous Conversations" about critical topics related to racism and inequality. Learn how to stop avoiding the elephant in the room, and start engaging in meaningful dialogue that goes beyond rhetoric, promoting a culture where all voices are heard. 

Historical Trauma


We all have wounds. The question is how can we heal? Learn about the inherent intersectionality that exists between intergenerational and historical trauma. These realities often manifest themselves in the form of overrepresentation within the system, and overwhelming mistrust of the system. This presentation will outline a combination of practical interventions and guiding principles which human service professionals can implement in their work whether serving individual adults, children, or families.


"REsiliency: REtelling our Story"

The story of marginalized communities is often told in terms of trauma and pain. What if we were to retell the story…not in terms of what happened to a people, but about what they did to survive?  Learn how taking a strength-based approach can help change the narrative on our understanding of differences. In the process, gain a newfound appreciation for the power of resiliency, and how one can help reframe struggle as a mechanism that produces strengths.

Mental Health

"Erasing the Stigma"

Being diagnosed with a mental illness is often accompanied with unwarranted stigma and self-shame. This reality is further exacerbated for members of BIPOC communities due to systemic and historical factors that contribute to additional barriers in accessing services and culturally-responsive supports. This workshop provides practical approaches toward normalizing asking for help, as well as offering tips and tools to help support individuals in tending to their mental wellbing. 

Image by Tim Mossholder
Organizational Change

"Authentic Allyship"

What does it really mean to be an ally? Ultimately, being an ally is about taking purposeful actions, more so than making public statements. Attendees will learn about the needed distinction between authentic allyship and performative allyship which, unfortunately, is often the unintended default for many organizations. Authentic Allyship involves helping to amplify the voices of those who have historically gone unheard and working to ensure that in the future, allies won't be needed.  

Equity & Empathy

"ME + Empathy"

Empathy is not about feeling [sorry] for, but it is about feeling with. Learn how to better understand the story and lived experiences of your cultural other through developing and advancing EMPATHY. 

Cultural Responsive

"The Cultural Stress   Self-Care Plan"

Cultural Stress refers to a litany of stress factors that can be attributed to one's lived experience as the "cultural other." This presentation helps attendees develop their own self-care plan to best manage their cultural stress in a healthy way. 

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Implicit Bias

"Cultivating Awareness: Better understanding implicit bias"

Many times, if we are unaware of bias, it can contribute to perpetuating micro-aggressions, and causing unintended offenses. Learn the benefits of unlearning from my own personal story, and gain perspective on why rethinking what what we think we know about people from different  backgrounds as ourselves can be humanizing. 

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